A restocking program, which aims to take Miramichi smolt and raise them to adults in hopes of releasing them back into the river, was supported by Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA). The goal is to restock the Miramichi River of Atlantic salmon, which have gravely depleted over the years. According to DFO estimates, Atlantic salmon returns in 2019 were only recorded at 14,000.
However, despite indisputable decreases, DFO has blocked all efforts of stock supplementation of the cast program. While understanding that, as with any suggested program, there are a plethora of opinions both for and against implementation, DFO has allowed the Atlantic salmon population to deplete so low that we are left with no choice but to try the Cast Supplement Program.
In summary, the Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi are at a critical place and aggressive action needs to be taken in the form of stock supplementation in order to save the essential resource. It is no longer acceptable for DFO to continue their history of inaction.
For more information on the CAST SAS Program, please visit: GiverOnTheRiver.